How To Spend Quality Time With Your Partner

When you’re a parent, the luxury of spending quality time with your partner tends to disappear in the delivery room. Post-kids, it can become hard to remember what it felt like to be “the two…

6 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

Relationships are ideally supposed to be blissful. However, under certain circumstances, it is possible for your relationship to start getting a tad harmful. To wit, make sure to be at alert when you start noticing…

Are Women Really Inferior in Relationships?

This topic has been on my mind for quite a while. About a week ago, I was watching a show called BK Chat London; it’s basically a talk show where  they get a bunch of…

How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

“In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged” – Hans Nouwens. Every word in the above quote is true. If you think that a long distance relationship…